Silver & Patashnick:
At the beginning of the work, Silver & Patashnick
pointed out fidelity of the data and research tools mean different things.
Fidelity of data means how real the data represents the real situation in
research settings. Fidelity of tools refers to their abilities to handle
complex and high fidelity data. They also brought up the issue that video data
might not be sufficient for capturing the emotional tone. This happened a lot
in my data collection experience. The perspective of the data collector and the
angle of video recorder would determine the sufficiency of emotional tone
Similar to the notion of researchers’ choice, Silver and
Patashnick pointed out that it is researchers’ decision to choose if they want
to have transcription before they dove into the research process. Some researches
don’t need to have transcript prepared before formal research began. One
problem is associated with the preparation of transcript. There are multiple
ways to analyze one segment of video. Research questions determine different
transcription styles. For example, some research study doesn’t need to pay
attention to non-verbal activities, whereas, some do. Another example of
different research goal would determine transcribing style is if it is
necessary to add time stamp. In my research field, it is necessary to add time
stamp. We code video data with pre-defined theoretical framework. We coded them
in order for quantitative analysis. This requires us to be precise about the
coding. Therefore, there are times that
we need to go back to the raw data: video, to examine something. Although it
has limitations of making organization of data hard to manage, we still need
time stamps.
They also pointed out the issue that qualitative research tools
could do more than assisting coding. They could help with data integration,
organization, exploration and interpretation
Coding for retrieval is an innovative view for me. This
might because we used coding for categorizing data too much. This is a good way
to organize the data. It also points to the notion that computer assistive
tools may be used for purposes more than coding and categorizing.
Woods & Dempster:
At the beginning of the article, they mentioned the
complexities of qualitative research as well as the voluminous analyzing tools.
They highlighted the issue that although there are many qualitative analytical
tools, they don’t alleviate the complexities of qualitative analysis.
In the study, although the major argument they were trying
to make was that Transana did a good job in terms of analyzing complex
qualitative data sources. This is definitely true. However, in the section of
how to juxtapose two different sorts of transcripts, they gave researchers’
authorities to determine ways to organize them.
In the article, the way that Dr. Woods segmented the screen
capturing video shed light to my video analysis experiences. Although we didn’t
have video data that is as complex as what was discussed in the article, we
used multiple sources of data, such as students’ worksheets and lecture notes.
Our goal was to have a coordinated account of students’ learning trajectory,
which reflected in their assessments. To do this, we first located students’
hints of progress between two assessments. Afterwards, we found similar
conceptual growth from students’ worksheets. Finally, we found evidence from
the video. This was also a complex process. If I had read this article early, I
would have segmented the video into chunks and added memos for each parts. This
at least would alleviate my pain of looking for appropriate video to look at.